Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Major Assignment - Post 7

North Perspective of the office/showroom


For the showroom/offices i decided to look at Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House and his infamous falling water. Both houses highlight his use of organic architecture, linking the environment with the house by opening up corners, "where man was able to see through corners for the first time". Not only this, but he used his famous method of exploding the box to create a puzzle of rectilinear shapes, which i have tried to mimic in my designs above.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Major Assignment - Post 6

Okay i so i just realised that i had completely abandoned any drainage system at all, making my design very inefficient!!! So i came up with this design, it still needs a bit of work and refinement, but i believe it will still follow my original idea.Below is an idea of how teh portal frame structure will be set out. In the first image we see the beams running along the east-west axis, pitching at 2 degrees. As illustrated in the bottom image, i have further used portal frames to run along the north-south axis underneath the existing frames, providing cross bracing for extra resistance against wind loads.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Major Assignment - Post 4

I was interested in playing around with the previous model, especially with its materials, of which I was planning on using a tilt up concrete panel with steel and reinforced concrete columns. However i am quite fond of the idea of contrastign colours and materials, so i was think of using a rust colour for the think exterior columns and colorbond steel plates for the thin silver beams that confine the windows in the image above.
Instead of glass i was planning on using a polycarbonate, however the colour of the polycarbonate has not been decided yet. For the moment i have used an orange tint, however it really depends on whether i try to lighten the building materials or keep them dark.

Major Assignment - Post 5

I decided that an addition horizontal plane should be added to the building in order to give it a more horizontal appearance. However it would be necessary to drain this plane, so i created in internal drainage system so that from a ground level perspective it would appear to be a a solid rectangle making its way around the roof line.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Major Assignment - Post 3

Above is just a more refined design of my original idea. I have grouped the columns into pairs , with two groups on the south and north facades, and three on the east and west facades. I have also added windows in strips along all facades, which ascend up towards the roof and eventually merge to create an organic patten along the roof line.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Major Assignment - Post 2

Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple -

I used the general form of the unity temple in order to generate my design, paying attention to both the detailed inner columns and the wider exterior columns. The extruded rectangular roof also caught my eye, a technique that could be used to soften the large columns, creating a more horizontal feeling. This was one of the first buildings designed by Wright widely used reinforced concrete as a building material, an obvious choice of construction method for my building

Frank Lloyd Wright's Larkin Co. Building -

The Larkin Co. Building was designed by Wright in 1905 as a means of creating a large space that drew away form the confinement of the common workplace. He was able to open the inner central corridor of the building by moving the stairs and elevators towards the outside corners of the building, creating a large open area that relied mostly on natural light to illuminate the work area. Wright himself also designed an array of steel based furniture that was built into thick concrete columns of the building as a means of fire-proofing, which i was thinking i could incorporate into my design of the office and showroom.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Major Assignment - Post 1

I have chosen to mimic the work of early 20th century architect Frank Lloyd Wright for my major assignment. Looking a combination of buildings such as the Larkin Co. and the Unity temple, i was inspired by Wright's use of thick large columns in order to create an organic space. over the next week i will try to manipulate this further.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Week 4 - Detailed sections of gutter systems

Box Gutter Detail
Gutter section from above the office building, alongside the warehouse
Another simple gutter section

Week 3 - Section A-A

saying that i took my time getting these up is an understatement, but here they are