Thursday, March 15, 2007

Site Visit 2 - Bunnings Warehouse


Overall view:

Bunnings warehouse is a perfect example of a common portal frame
construction. With the long spanning roof and the tall exterior walls, the portal frame has been used to create a large and spacious environment

Larger Detail - 3m x 3m

This larger detail shows
the system of rafters / beams used in order to support the downward forces of the roof-load

Smaller Detail – 1m x 1m

In this detail we can see the knee joint between a stanchion and the r
after. A total of 12 high tensile bolts have been used in order to connect the two structural elements

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Site Visit 2 - Federation Square

Federation Square, Melbourne, VIC
Designed by Donald Bates + Peter Davidson

Federation Square is world renowned for its contemporary and abstract design. Using intricate steel beam webbing to create and exterior shell around its components, the square becomes a colourful array of building s that has become a major Australian icon

Element 3m x 3m
This is a view from the underpass crossing through the corner of the building. It shows the webbing of steel beams that have been used to support the exterior aesthetic shell of the main building, so it was interesting to see the use of steel beams taking both a longitudinal and radial load at the same time

Detail 1m x 1m
This detail shows the intricate steel framework used for Federation Squar
e's atrium. Due to the light weight of the glass and the mass amount of steel, it must be said that it has been used for aesthetic purposes, however, it would also act as a strong bracing for strong westerly wind loads.